Sunday, November 22, 2009

Google O3D plugin on Linux AMD64

Couldn't sleep, so I tried the new O3D plugin from Google for Ubuntu AMD64 (from the PPAs on Launchpad), didn't work. Ended up building it from source... lots of snags, like 3 new build tools from Google (why can't they just use pre-existing tools).
I am using Chromium on Ubuntu, installed from the PPAs on Launchpad.

Here are the steps I used to build O3D on my 64-bit Linux:
 sudo apt-get install devscripts libglu1-mesa-dev cdbs libgtk2.0-dev libgconf2-dev
tar -xvf depot_tools.tar.gz
export PATH="$HOME/depot_tools:$PATH"
mkdir o3d_chromium_src; cd o3d_chromium_src
gclient config
gclient sync
export GYP_DEFINES="target_arch=x64"
gclient runhooks --force
cd o3d/build/
hammer -f o3d_main.scons
cd sconsbuild/Debug/
sudo cp /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins/
sudo cp lib* /usr/lib/chromium-browser/

Played Infinite Journey at
It was cute, looked great, and showed that 3d games in the browser are coming.

No luck with 3d acceleration though, all the games run quite slow, but it looks interesting.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Good Start

Most things (like Linux) need setup or are missing some simple piece (Batteries not included). I decided to start a blog about Linux, GP2X and other fun tech and the missing steps.